
Chariots "rise and shine"

Good morning. Excellent pasta feed last night, team meeting and then to bed, asleep sometime between 9:30 and 10:00 PM. My alarm on my watch woke Christoph at 4:00 AM. Christoph's snoring woke me at 3:00 AM. Neither of us heard the other. Back to sleep we went. Great sleep it was. Both are showered and good to go. Beauty day here in the mountains. Sure glad we don't race until 3:30 PM. We can r&r, get organized and hopefully watch the early run teams run past where we are staying. Neat very old updated resort. I can imagine that if the walls could speak the stories would be stellar. www.woodwardsresort.com our rooms are shown in the photo, top floor we are. Christoph on the deck now doing visualization training to his concert music. Soon time for breakfast, etc. All are well, getting along just fine and having fun. Amazing, life at 40 / 50 running around. Who'd of thought. Good on us. : ) In 8.5 hours we are physically out there running. Mike runs first.


  1. Do all the teams start at different times? If that's the case then wouldn't your runner always be running alone?

    This race sounds even more logistically complicated then the Shore to Shore.

    Best of luck to you guys today! ;)

  2. slowest teams start at 730am, fastest at 4pm. we won't be alone, we will be "road killing" thousands of runners by the time we reach the atlantic ocean. the plan is that all runners finish close to the same time. this gig is much less complicated than STS. you start, run, finish...that's it! gotta go, we start in under two hours. cheers, hope you are feeling better thomas. your dad is doing great. cheers, scott
